
The Submission collection stores information about Reddit submissions. Each document in this collection has the following schema:

    "submission_id": str,  # Unique identifier for the submission
    "redditor_id": str,  # ID of the user who posted the submission
    "created_at": str,  # Datetime when the submission was created (ISO format)
    "title": str,  # Title of the submission
    "text": str,  # Text content of the submission
    "subreddit": str,  # Name of the subreddit the submission is posted in
    "permalink": str,  # URL of the submission
    "attachment": {str: str} or None,  # Dictionary containing URLs of attached media (e.g., {"jpg": ""})
    "flair": {
        "link": str,  # Link flair text
        "author": str  # Author flair text
    "awards": {
        "list": dict,  # Dictionary mapping award names to [count, coin_price]
        "total_awards_count": int,  # Total number of awards received
        "total_awards_price": int  # Total coin price of all awards received
    "score": {str: int},  # Dictionary mapping datetimes (ISO format) to the submission's score
    "upvote_ratio": {str: float},  # Dictionary mapping datetimes (ISO format) to the upvote ratio
    "num_comments": {str: int},  # Dictionary mapping datetimes (ISO format) to the number of comments
    "edited": bool,  # Whether the submission has been edited
    "archived": bool,  # Whether the submission is archived
    "removed": bool,  # Whether the submission has been removed
    "poll": {
        "total_vote_count": int,  # Total number of votes in the poll
        "vote_ends_at": str,  # Datetime when the poll ends (ISO format)
        "options": {str: int},  # Dictionary mapping poll options to the number of votes
        "closed": bool  # Whether the poll is closed
    } or None  # None if the submission does not have a poll