
The Comment collection stores information about comments made on Reddit submissions. Each document in this collection has the following schema:

    "comment_id": str,  # Unique identifier for the comment
    "link_id": str,  # ID of the submission the comment is associated with
    "subreddit": str,  # Name of the subreddit the comment is posted in
    "parent_id": str,  # ID of the parent comment or submission
    "redditor_id": str,  # ID of the user who posted the comment
    "created_at": str,  # Datetime when the comment was created (ISO format)
    "body": str or None,  # Text content of the comment (None if removed)
    "score": {str: int},  # Dictionary mapping datetimes (ISO format) to the comment's score
    "edited": bool,  # Whether the comment has been edited
    "removed": str or None  # "deleted" or "removed" if the comment was removed, otherwise None

The parent_id field can have two different formats:

  1. If it starts with "t3_{link_id}", it means the comment is a top-level comment, and the parent is a submission.

  2. If it starts with "t1_{comment_id}", it means the comment is a reply to another comment, and the parent is the comment with the specified comment_id.